The Ultimate Guide To Power Racks and PWR60

Explore the ultimate guide to Power racks and PWR60. We bring you through all of our rack range including squat racks, half racks, multi-racks, and power racks. Find the perfect fit for your home gym.

Power rack

Power racks are a staple in every commercial gym across Ireland. They're versatile, come in many different sizes, and are essential pieces of strength equipment you can buy.

If you're not into strength training, though, racks can look intimidating and people tend to stay clear of them for fear of using them wrong. In this post, we'll bring you through what each rack is used for, what accessories you can get, and our PWR60 range.

What is a rack?

A rack — also referred to as a power cage, squat cage, or squat rack— is essentially a spotter for free weight barbell exercises. There are different versions, but the general design is two adjustable bar supports on each side in a 60 x 60 x 3mm box section. Of course, some vary from this sizing, but that is the typical one on the market.

What is a rig?

A rig is essentially a bigger version of a rack, with more stations and options to choose from. You can find built-in storage compartments, box jump platforms, monkey bars, and much more. As it is so big, they are usually found in commercial gyms and rarely in home gyms.

What is PWR60?

PWR60 (pronounced power) is a Hit Fitness power rack and accessory collection. It features 16 different rack options to choose from, along with a host of other accessories and attachments. Each power rack is 60 x 60 x 3mm and is of commercial-grade quality. These are amazing if you are looking to up your strength or even do some CrossFit training.

What is Westside Hole Spacing?

Westside hole spacing

Westside hole spacing is a term used for the holes in power racks. The holes are used for precise adjustments and for screwing in accessories to the rack for a more enhanced workout.

Now that we know a bit about what the racks, PWR60, and westside hole spacing are, let’s look at the breakdown of these and what they do/ are used for.

Types of racks you can get

Squat Stands 

Squat stand

It is the only one in the PWR60 range that is technically not a rack. The squat stand is a free-standing stand that is an ideal solution for your bench press, floor press, squats, and a wide range of bench work. Perfect for a home gym or trying to save space while getting in your barbell workout.

Quarter and Half Racks

Half rack

There are four options to choose from in this section: the Quarter rack, fixed half-rack, half-rack, and half-rack SG.

The Quarter Rack

The quarter rack is free standing and had two bars across the bottom and top for stability. The top bar is also an integrated pull-up bar, giving you an added workout to avail of.

Fixed Half Rack

The fixed half rack is a smaller version of a full rack. These need to be attached to the floor for stability but is excellent if you don't want a full rack taking up a lot of room in your home gym. There is an option for weight plate storage on this rack, which ensures that your workout area is always tidy.

Half Rack

The half-rack is nearly identical to the fixed half-rack; this one does not need to be fixed to the floor. It comes with an integrated pull-up bar and weight plate storage, also with sturdy construction to keep it steady while you work out.

Half Rack SG

The half-rack SG is a fixed rack that comes with a few more accessories than its two counterparts. Along with the integrated pull-up bar and weight plate storage, the half-rack SG has a built-in storage unit at the back for your accessories such as kettlebells, dumbbells, and gym balls.

Want to know about dumbbells? Why not check out our article on Which Dumbbells Are Right For You?

Power Racks

Power Racks

Power racks, often referred to as power cages, are common in commercial gyms. In this section, there are 2 to choose from Power rack and the Power Rack RS.

Power Rack

The power rack gives you a variety of workouts to do both inside and outside of the frame. It is the ultimate tool to help you lift your barbell and weights safely. Not only that, you can use it for back squats, front squats, shoulder presses, deadlifts, bench presses, and heavy rows. The options are endless with this rack. It is also free-standing, so no need to fix it to anything.

Power Rack RS

It is like the power rack, but it comes with rear storage uprights, creating a more robust frame and 6 points of weight plate storage to choose from. This rack also comes with safety straps for added security.

Multi Racks


Multi-racks, as the name suggests, are multiple power racks and storage units put together. In this category, there are four different options to choose from: Half rack ST, Half-rack ST 2 Bay, Power rack ST, Power Rack ST 2 Bay.

Half Rack ST

The Half Rack ST offers the same features as the Half Rack, but with his one, you get a 1.5-metre storage bay that you can bolt to either side for your kettlebells, dumbbells, gym balls, and weight plates.

Half Rack ST 2 Bay

It is a dual training station with a 1.5-metre storage bay in the middle. This one is ideal for commercial gyms and professional sports clubs.

Power Rack ST

Like the half rack, the power rack ST offers the same features as the power rack but with an added 1.5-metre storage bay that can be bolted on either side of the rack. It also includes safety straps for added security.

Power Rack ST 2 Bay

It is another dual training station with a 1.5-metre storage bay in the middle. This one is ideal for commercial gyms and professional sports clubs.

Wall-mounted Racks

Wall mounted racks

Our final options in the PWR60 range are the wall-mounted racks. These are three different options that we won't go into on this post, but the options are Wall Rack, Wall Rack 2 Bay, and Wall Rack 3 Bay. Each of these is great for a commercial gym setting.

Things to consider when getting a power rack


Before you buy a power rack, you will need to consider the space you are working with. If you are setting up a studio gym and have room to spare for a 60 x 60 x 3 mm box section, then a full power rack may be the way to go. If not, then a squat stand or half-rack may be a better option.


There is no point getting a Power Rack 2 Bay ST if you need to do some basic strength workouts. Be sure to know your needs and requirements before you spend a lot of money on something that may not be of use to you.


Price is a significant factor. The more accessories or added features on the racks, the higher the price will be. If you already have a storage unit or feel that you don't need one, then going for the more stripped-down version of the rack may be the best option for you.

Accessories and extra attachments


PWR60 comes with an array of accessories to connect to your racks; each one is sold separately and is helpful to add to your racks for an extended workout.

Target Board

Connect a target board and throw a medicine ball at it to help your upper arms and shoulders.

Bar Storage Hook

A bar storage hook allows you to store your barbell on the rack safely.

Dip Attachment

As its name suggests, the dip attachment allows you to perform dips and leg raises.

Single Loop

It can be used as an anchor point for a battle rope or resistance band when working out.


Connect your barbell to the landmine to do exercises that will build your core and shoulder strength.

We hope this article helps you in choosing the right power rack to suit your needs. If you want to know more about strength training, be sure to check out our article on Why Bumper Plates Are Worth It.